Juanjo Fernández Rivero

Juanjo Fernández Rivero_Gnomalab 1974 | Terrassa · Spain “Juanjo Fernández Rivero is a creator, who conscientiously searches for the right channels for his contents; accurate vehicles for the discourse impregnating his work; if we take a quick look at his career, we can appreciate the strength of the formal aspect in formats such as video, which might mislead us to the point of stating that Rivero is a formal artist. The “how” is important to him, but the “what” is crucial. This misconception may arise from his constant formal experimentation. He’s lived through the b&w TV to the cell-phone imaging; he’s played marbles and Playstation; he’s lived the political system’s manipulation and the arrival of the Internet. Juanjo Fernández Rivero collects this vital apprehension exploring his recurring themes: time, space, light, sound and ephemerality. And music, video, live-cinema, software programming and teaching (in a very particular way) are the means he mainly uses to make himself heard. His voice is self-taught, critical, committed, generous and particular, evading tendencies and the typical self-indulgence of the Arts Institution”.

24h Private View Is Live

New collection MUSIC DO THE TALKING by Stéphane Hervé is available.

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