Meandering River: onformative at Funkhaus Berlin

Meandering River: onformative at Funkhaus Berlin

At the end of July 2018, Onformative present a new audiovisual art installation at Funkhaus Berlin’s Sound Chamber.

Meandering River is a large scale installation occupying multiple screens in the Sound Chamber. Visuals by onformative interact with a sound composition by kling klang klong. The newly developed work is a digital visualisation and sonification of the properties of rivers and water. Complex flows, ebbs and surges are rendered using pixels and bytes - parcels of data are arranged so as to generate unpredictable currents.

We experience changes of our fast-moving world as a snapshot. Often not visible to the naked eye, landscapes are gradually shaped by natural forces over time. The fluctuations and rhythmic movement of rivers are a glimpse into the past, as traces provide evidence of the constant transformations that surround us.

– onformative

Meandering River is an insight into onformative’s digital design process, which regularly crosses borders from digital to physical, technical to natural, procedural to philosophical. The work takes the visitor on an emotional and conceptual journey as the digitised liquid is contained, spills over and makes channels. The artwork foregrounds the unpredictability of change, the openness and interconnectedness of water systems, and the power of water over life.


Meandering River opens with an exclusive viewing on 27 July and runs from 28 to 30 July from 1pm to 8pm. Funkhaus Berlin, Sound Chamber, Nalepastraße 18, 12459, Berlin

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