Elmgreen & Dragset Major Exhibition At Astrup Fearnley

Elmgreen & Dragset Major Exhibition At Astrup Fearnley

Artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset opens major exhibition at Astrup Fearnley in Oslo, Norway. Biography is an exhibition that presents a wide selection of works from the artists’ complex universe, including sculpture, performance and interactive installations. Works from the late 1990s onwards will be shown together with recent projects, and all together they create a unique insight into the artists’ oeuvre. Elmgreen & Dragset consider an exhibition to be a work of art in itself, with all its narrative, choreographic and social possibilities and Biography will examine the very conditions of exhibiting.

The exhibition also includes three digital editions Powerless Structures, Fig.101, Prada Marfa, and The End Is Always Nearer, 2012 that are available exclusively on Sedition. The works by the artists are among a selection of 28 artworks from Sedition will be available for purchase at the first Sedition point-of-sale display in the Astrup Fearnley gift shop. Read more about the Sedition point-of-sale.

Biography runs from 21 March - 24 August 2014.

Image: Death Of A Collector, 2009
Photo: Anders Sune Berg

Mentioned artists
Elmgreen & Dragset
Elmgreen & Dragset
Followers 1180
Artworks 3