Digital Supernova 2019 - Miguel Chevalier

Digital Supernova 2019 - Miguel Chevalier

From 8 to 18 August a generative virtual reality installation by Miguel Chevalier is on display at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rodez. The installation is a fusion of arts and sciences, religion and physics, medieval stonework and software art.

Digital Supernova 2019 was created by Chevalier in collaboration with astrophysicist Fabio Acero (AIM laboratory - CEA/Saclay). The work is an algorithmically generated artistic interpretation of the behaviour of supernovae. The installation takes the form of a large scale projection; the projected composition combines images of exploding stars and stellar remnants with 30 different coloured networks of light.

Digital Supernova, which is part of Siècle Soulages and IN SITU Patrimoine et art contemporain, was developed by Chevalier to complement the cathedral’s architecture and is projected into the vaults and onto the central nave, transepts and transept crossing. 

The installation coincides with a number of concerts taking place at the cathedral, providing dazzling visual accompaniment to the orchestral works, which in turn heighten the immersive power of the projections. For five evenings during August the work is accompanied by improvisations on the cathedral’s organ by organists Frédéric Deschamps and Adam Bernadac. For another six evenings, composer Jacopo Baboni Schilingi presents an accompaniment to the installation featuring excerpts from liturgical songs through the ages. The songs are processed using morphogenesis algorithms, resulting in endless variation and highlighting the synthesis of historic and new art forms as well as sound and visuals.

Digital Supernova 2019 was created with software support from Cyrille Henry and Antoine Villeret and technical production by Voxels Productions. The installation is part of IN SITU; artistic curators are Marie-Caroline Allaire-Matte et Pascal Pique. The five evenings of organ improvisation were organised with l’Association pour le Développement et le Rayonnement de l’Orgue en Aveyron (ADROA).


Digital Supernova 2019 is at Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rodez, Rue Frayssinous, 12000 Rodez, FR from 8 to 18 August 2019.

Mentioned artists
Miguel Chevalier
Miguel Chevalier
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