Universal Everything Presents Large Scale Video Installation With Hyundai

Universal Everything Presents Large Scale Video Installation With Hyundai

Using boundary pushing technology, Universal Everything present a large scale display of five video works in an installation in Goyang, South Korea. The works collectively are a visual celebration the Hyundai automotive experience.

The exhibition is the result of Universal Everything’s partnership with Hyundai in which the studio developed audiovisual responses to aspects of Hyundai’s design.

A total of five video works are presented including, Running Man, Collective Behaviour I & II, Carved By Nature and Made By Humans. The five works incorporate smooth motion, technical complexity, energy and vibrancy – properties which Hyundai’s designers work into their cars and which are synonymous with the Hyundai brand.

The works by Universal Everything make use of cutting edge technology and are displayed indefinitely on a unique 87 metre screen at the Hyundai Motorstudio in Goyang.

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Universal Everything
Universal Everything
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