Dreamscape 1

Lee Lee Nam's astonishingly moving and sensitive work Dreamscape 1 is a combination of old and new in multiple forms: a traditional Korean watercolor work depicting a rural landscape by the sea is set into motion with modern digital technology; the serene landscape transforms into an industrialised coastal city with neon lights, cranes and smoke; the narrative of the inexorable rise of industry and humanity's clash with nature concludes with decay: the city fades, the lights disappear, the landscape's former beauty is destroyed and humans become only a memory in the form of abandoned cranes amidst black ruins.

The contrasting light and shade of Indian ink in this digital media work accentuates mankind's emotional conflict at the collision between Asian Utopia and the weariness of the contemporary lifestyle. Through the use of black and white contrasts Lee Lee Nam highlights the deprivation of emotional interaction in our modernised lives.

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